Honour Secondary School (HSS)
HSS provides a full range of academic programming that includes skill development opportunities for youth to engage in prosocial activities that are delivered both onsite and in community. Students benefit from a small class environment and individualized instruction tailored to each learners’ specific needs. Of the 30 students that HSS accommodates each year, 15 seats are reserved for youth justice programs. HSS provides support to students to be successful in their education and includes a breakfast and lunch program, supports for youth living independently and/or parenting, support for youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness, and support to reduce instances of involvement in criminal activity including gang involvement and exploitation. HSS offers a continuum of care that includes wrap around support by other PCRS programs and partner agencies. Hours: This school follows regular school hours.
For youth between the ages of 13-18
Entrance Requirements
Referrals are made to PCRS staff and then are reviewed by a joint committee comprised of PCRS and provincial government staff who work together on the selection of program participants.
CCYH (City Centre Youth Hub) at 10453 Whalley Blvd, Surrey BC
The program follows the Surrey School District Calendar
Other Resources
Yes, we have multiple breaks built into the day.
Yes, we can carry over any earned credits you may have.
Yes, you can graduate with a dogwood diploma or an adult graduation diploma at HSS.