Stop Exploiting Youth (SEY)

Surrey & Delta

Supporting youth that are at risk of exploitation or are being exploited or trafficked.

The program provides immediate outreach response and support services to at-risk and /or high-risk youth identified by MCFD or other community partners as being in sexually exploitive situations or at risk of being in sexually exploitive relationships or situations.  Workers establish relationships and build rapport with youth and offer immediate response services to situations involving youth sexual exploitation, locating missing youth, and assisting in developing wrap-around service plans.  Workers offer education about human trafficking and sexual exploitation to youth and professionals as needed. 





13 to 18 years old

Resides in Surrey or Delta

This is a voluntary program for youth

Entrance Requirements

Fill out the referral which can be made online by anyone that is needing support or is looking for support for a youth.


CCYH (City Centre Youth Hub) at 10453 Whalley Blvd or NYH (Newton Youth Hub) 114-13479 76th Avenue


Flexible hours

Other Resources

SEY Toolkit

How to talk to your young people and sexual exploitation and human trafficking.



Yes, the SEY team would support in providing education about online exploitation and advocating for a youth if they require further support.

A SEY worker would educate the youth about sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Get them connected to other supports (i.e. counselling, school and community supports). Empower them to advocate for themselves.

The young person must be willing to leave the lifestyle in order to get support. Once they have voluntarily signed up for the program they will be empowered to leave the exploiter, safety planning, education on grooming, learning about their rights as youth and connecting youth to educational opportunities.

Next Steps

For more information please see the 

Referral Form
  • 1 (604) 592-6200