Female Gang Intervention Program


Program supporting female youth ages 12 to 19 who are at risk of gang involvement.

The Female Gang Intervention (FGI) Program provides intensive individualized trauma and relationship-based support to 12–19-year-olds that have experienced sexual exploitation, are engaged in unhealthy relationships, or are at risk for gang recruitment and grooming. Together with the Stop Exploiting Youth program and a network of other service professionals the team responds to confirmed or suspected sexual exploitation of youth. The program partners youth with a youth outreach worker who will work towards empowering the youth in exiting the lifestyle and to engage healthy social connections. 





This program is for female youth ages 12 to 19 in Surrey.

Entrance Requirements

A female youth can make a self-referral to the program through the website along with professionals and caregivers as long as the youth gives consent.


CCYH (City Centre Youth Hub) at 10453 Whalley Blvd


Flexible hours

FAQs – Female Gang Intervention Program

An FGI worker would work towards educating a youth on what gang recruitment can look like in an exploitation lens. Get youth involved in prosocial activities along with supporting employment goals.

As a parent, you should call in missing persons reports by calling the RCMP. Keep open communication with your daughter.

Next Steps

For more information please see the 

Referral Form
  • 1 (604) 813-5549