Surrey Shared Independent Living Program (SSIL)


Surrey Shared Independent Living is a program that offers substance free transitional housing for youth needing a safe place while they work on goals and transition to adulthood. The program is made of up 2, 5 bedroom homes and offers a shared living environment with each participant having their own private bedroom.  Participants have access to a one-to-one youth worker who will assist them to create a personal plan and support them to reach their goals. 





    Surrey Youth between the ages of 16-19

    Must have a source of rental income

    Must be willing to engage in the program

    Entrance Requirements

    Open referral

    Participants must be going to school, work, or in progress


    CCYH (City Centre Youth Hub) at 10453 Whalley Blvd or NYH (Newton Youth Hub) 114-13479 76th Avenue


    Flexible hours

    Other Resources

    MCFD Afterhours

    FAQs – SSIL

    No, but there must be a transition plan, and you must continue to meet all program expectations.

    No, this is a program where rooms are rented individually, and geared towards fine tuning the skills you will need to live on your own and gain your first housing reference.

    No, this is to ensure the safety of all of the participants and the pet.

    Next Steps

    For more information please see the

    Referral Form
    • 1 (604) 592-6200