Annis Residence
A transition housing program with 22 individual units for those facing homelessness.
Annis provides transition housing to those facing homelessness to help quality of life as well as assist in helping participants reach their individual life goals. Each suite is private with its own kitchenette and bathroom, and also has access to a communal kitchen in the evening. All participants have a case manager to support their well-being and life goals and participates in house meetings as well as has options to attend regular activities such as shopping, movies, AA/NA, cultural events and much more! Within the Annis building there are also voluntary supports of Substance Use Counselling, Indigenous Peer and Wellness, as well as further Housing Supports.

Participant Quote
“Annis is a quiet and clean place that is filled with laughter and supportive staff”
Adults 19 and older who live in the Chilliwack area that are facing homelessness and agree to live in a substance-free building.
Chilliwack, BC
The front desk operates from Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm
FAQs – Annis Residence
$500 per month
Annis is a 2-year program.
Guests are allowed during the day, however, not overnight, and no pets are allowed.