Housing Hub
A Transition Housing Program that provides scattered-site housing and outreach supports to its participants.
The Housing Hub is a housing-first program with supports operating in Chilliwack BC. The program provides scattered site housing using market rental units acquired by forming responsive partnerships with building operators. Staff provide weekly home visits to participants to help them stabilize their housing, develop life skills, and connect to wrap-around services.

Participant Quote
“Thank you Housing Hub for making my life and all the participants lives easier and happy!”
Adults 19 and up (includes families with dependent children) that have resided in Chilliwack for the last 6 months, identify as homeless or at risk of homelessness and have the capacity to live independently with once-a-week supports.
Entrance Requirements
Participants are referred by third-party support such as social workers, housing workers or other para-professionals.
Chilliwack, BC
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm
FAQs – Housing Hub
The program is unable to give a specific timeline for how quickly or how long a housing opportunity may take. The program does not own any housing of its own and works with its landlord/building operator partnerships in the community to access rental units. As the program is not in control of the rental units that are offered to the program, we are not able to give a timeline of how quickly or how long it would take for a housing opportunity to arise. In addition, potential participants would need to complete an intake with the program, to determine suitability.
The Housing Hub has partnerships with building operators and landlords throughout the community. This includes Units in both affordable and market rental buildings. The Housing Hub staff work to make rent as affordable as possible for its participants, which may include use of the program’s short-term rent subsidies. The program does not have the ability to indicate how much rent will be until a housing opportunity arises.
Housing Hub works to have all participants get to a point of independent living within 2 years.