Cora’s Story



Cora is currently a student at the PCRS East Vancouver Education Centre (EVEC) and has been for
most of her secondary school years. Cora is a kind, helpful student who has been diagnosed with
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and this challenged her ability to regularly attend school.
The teachers at EVEC worked with Cora and created a plan to help her graduate. On the road to
graduation, Cora was struggling with home dynamics with her family so she eventually decided that
she needed to move out. To further complicate the situation, Cora also received news that she was
pregnant. Cora found support from youth workers at EVEC, the Broadway Youth Resource Centre
(BYRC), and the Vancouver Youth Housing Program. The youth workers collaborated with each
other and with Cora to provide wrap-around supports during this critical time. Cora successfully
graduated from high school and is now living in one of PCRS’ new laneway houses that are
dedicated to pregnant and young parenting youth. Cora is still connected to staff at EVEC and BYRC
and she is happy in her new home. Cora is getting ready to have her child and has a support system
as she continues to transition into adulthood and parenthood.

Originally published in 2021/2022 Annual Report.

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