Youth Outreach and Empowerment Support Services (YOESS)
Surrey, Langley & Delta
The YOESS program provides intensive supports to youth, age 13-19, who are coping with multiple challenges affecting their well-being.
The program provides intensive supports to youth aged 13-19, who are coping with multiple barriers affecting their well-being. Youth workers support transition planning as the youth successfully age out of care. This is achieved by offering opportunities to empower youth to make meaningful connections within community that will support them into adulthood in a positive and strengths focused way. Trauma informed comprehensive planning is conducted by the YOESS team in consultation with YOET social workers.
MCFD youth from the YOET team only
Entrance Requirements
This is a closed referral program
CCYH (City Centre Youth Hub) at 10453 Whalley Blvd or NYH (Newton Youth Hub) 114-13479 76th Avenue
Monday to Friday, 10:00am – 6:00pm